Marine expedition beyond Drake Strait: icebergs, penguins, and whales


February 2 - 18, 2025
Tour Antarctica

marine expedition to Antarctica cruise Drake strait Antarctida iceberg pinguin whale tour to Antarctica

A Russian expedition led by Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev on the sloops "Vostok" and "Mirny" discovered Antarctica on January 28, 1820.

We invite you to repeat the feat of the sailors and write your name in the history of exploration of the most mysterious sixth continent of the planet.

While Elon Musk swashbuckles the space, we washbuckle the ocean and explore the Earth space – Antarctica.
A trip to Antarctica is the choice of a Real Man. An event, the memories of which will stay with you for a lifetime!

A Russian expedition led by Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev on the sloops "Vostok" and "Mirny" discovered Antarctica on January 28, 1820.

We invite you to repeat the feat of the sailors and write your name in the history of exploration of the most mysterious sixth continent of the planet.

While Elon Musk swashbuckles the space, we washbuckle the ocean and explore the Earth space – Antarctica.
A trip to Antarctica is the choice of a Real Man. An event, the memories of which will stay with you for a lifetime!


Dates: February 2 - 18, 2025

Duration: 18 days / 17 nights

Number of participants: 9

Cost per person: 9,990 Euro


Day 0. February 1, 2025. Departure to Ushuaia

* Flights with arrival not later than February 01 at 16:30 are recommended.

Meals: no
Accommodation: no

Day 1. February 2, 2025. Ushuaia and Beagle Channel.

Check-in on the yacht, acquaintance with the ship and crew. We leave Ushuaia and immediately get to the Beagle Channel. Congratulations, your dream is starting to come true. Immediately after the departure, the team will hold a briefing on the rules of conduct on the boat and on the continent, safety measures and their correct use. The camera, if you have it, better prepare already in Beagle, where you can often find whales, dolphins and magellan penguins.

Meals: Dinner
Accommodation: in cabins on the yacht

Day 2 – 5. February 3 - 6, 2025. Drake Strait

The crossing of Drake Strait is the most difficult part of the expedition. It is about four days of open ocean. Let's not be frightened, let's not be hopeful, because each time the sailing is different. It happens that everything on the horizon is calm, but sometimes you have to endure. Most guests are frightened by "seasickness", but you can be unreceptiveto it and if you are - take enough patches from sickness

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in cabins on the yacht

Day 6. February 7, 2025. Bellingshausen Polar Station

The shape of the South Shetland Islands can already be seen in the distance.
Our first landing point is theBellingshausen Antarctic Polar Station, located on the Waterloo island. Here we will see how Russian winterizers live, visit the southernmost church on the Earth - the Church of the Holy Trinity and if the station master gives us permission - steam in the bath.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in cabins on the yacht

Day 7. February 8, 2025. Yankee Harbour and Halfmoon Island

Depart for Yankee Harbour and Halfmoon island. Yankee Harbour is a protected harbour, the coast of which is covered with pebbles. It is home to Gentu penguin colonies, elephants and seals. The island of Halfmoon, when viewed from above, is similar to the half of the moon . Part of its surface is covered with a carpet of Antarctic moss. This island is also inhabited by elephants, Gentu penguins and chinstrap, giant petrels.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in cabins on the yacht

Day 8. February 9, 2025. Zodiac cruise in the Deception location

Overnight in the flooded caldera of one of the active volcanoes on the Deception island . In its structure, the island looks like a horseshoe, which is the best natural harbour, where you can hide and ride out any weather. In the early 20th century, a whaling base operated here, the remnants of which remain to this day. On the outer side of the island is the Bailey Head, where the largest colony of Antarctic penguins lives. The place is incredibly beautiful and incredibly difficult to land. To visit it, the weather should be windless, and the ocean is very calm.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in cabins on the yacht

Day 9. February 10, 2025. Trinity island

Here, as a rule, we do not make landings on the shore, and ride on the small boats between huge icebergs and arches in protruding rocks.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in cabins on the yacht

Day 10. February 11, 2025. Enterprise island

We moor for the night to a sunken ship in a place called Enterprise. During the day we will look for whales here. With luck, you will be able to observe one of the most amazing wildlife phenomena - bubble net feeding or bubble feeding, when several whales emerge from the water at once, swallowing krill, trapped in a bubble. From above, these bubbles look like a smooth spiral. Incredible, exciting spectacle.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in cabins on the yacht

Day 11. February 12, 2025. Island of Orne Harbour. Island of Cuverville

Set course for Orne Harbour, an island with a colony of penguins and blue-eyed cormorants. If the water is clear, you can climb a higher hill and watch whales and seals. Those who decide to climb to the very top will open a panorama to the neighboring group of islands and bay with icebergs.
Landing in the bay of Cuverville Island and Neko Harbour, located near each other. Cuverville Island is a dark, rocky island with bay filled with icebergs. It is home to a colony of Papuan penguins, and in coastal waters you can easily find seals resting on ice. There is also a penguin colony in Neko Harbour, but we come here to admire a huge glacier from which ice blocks are constantly being broken and with a deafening noise crumble into the water, raising a huge wave.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in cabins on the yacht

Day 12. February 13, 2025 . Lemaire Straight and Yalour Islands

The Lemaire Straight separates Booth Island from the Antarctic mainland. The width of the strait in the most narrow place is only 300 meters - both sides of the ship rise sheer rocks, reaching 400 meters height. The passage of the strait is one of the brightest episodes of the Antarctic cruise. Killer whales and humpback whales often swim into the strait.
Yalour Islands - a group of rocky low islands near the Vernadsky polar station . It is one of the few places in the Antarctic Peninsula where the penguin colony of Adele lives. The island itself is surrounded on all sides by icebergs and ice caps with resting seals.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in cabins on the yacht

Day 13. February 14, 2025. Port Lockroy

Time to send postcards from Port Lockroy station. At the beginning of the 20th century there was a whaling base, then a British Antarctic research center, and since 1996, a museum and the most South Post Office in the world is here located. The museum is open only during the tourist season, from November to March. From here, you can send a card or letter, as well as buy a souvenir. Cards are accepted.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in cabins on the yacht

Day 14 – 17. February 15 - 18, 2025. Drake Strait. Return to Ushuaia

And again Drake, a few days of open ocean and you are in Ushuaia. Hurrah. You can exhale, take a shower and go to the yacht club house to share impressions. Traditional barbecue at the end of the expedition. Lots of meat, Argentine wine and good mood.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in cabins on the yacht

Day 18. February 19, 2025. Flight home.

* Recommended flights with departure not earlier than February 20.

Meals: breakfast
Accommodation: no

** Please do not purchase tickets without our confirmation.

*** The program may be adjusted for weather conditions.

Aurora expedition motor sailing yacht
Steel Bermuda sloop of the Devonport Challenge 67 project, built in 1992
In 2017, the yacht was reconstructed. Aurora is a reliable expedition yacht, equipped with everything you need for long-distance voyages in harsh conditions.

The yacht "RUSARC AURORA" has a steel hull (steel thickness is 4 mm.), Three watertight bulkheads located in the bow of the yacht, two heating systems for the cabin: water and air.

The yacht has six comfortable double and triple cabins, a galley, a spacious common room. In the bow there is a sauna and two separate latrines. There is also hot water, refrigerator, washing machine.

The yacht is equipped with modern radio navigation equipment, radar, Simrad autopilot, all necessary rescue equipment (individual and general).

Each cabin has a separate bed, storage space, 220 V socket.
Cost includes:

  • Cabin accommodation;
  • Bed linen and towel;
  • Parking lots (water/electricity);
  • Fuel fee;
  • Permits to visit national parks and protected areas;
  • Breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts;
  • Cooking services;
  • Professional team services

Cost excludes (additionally paid):

• Flights from your city to Ushuaia and back
• Personal health insurance
• Souvenirs, other pocket expenses
• Satellite connection

Take with you:

ATTENTION! The air temperature here ranges from 0 to +5 C. On the water and with the wind, the air temperature is felt much lower than it actually is. The weather will be very changeable. Strong winds, high waves and rain and snow precipitation are expected.

Warm fleece and thermal underwear.

Thermosocks (several pairs).

Rubber high boots with a warm inner insert for walking on the shore.

Shoes for walking inside the yacht (sneakers).

Parka, raincoat, pants and things made of waterproof materials.

Gloves (preferably 2 pairs).

Hat (preferably 2).

Sunglasses (with a rope so as not to lose it in the sea).

Personal hygiene items, towel.

Hand cream, face cream and sunscreen.

Waterproof cases for photographic equipment.

Personal first aid kit with individual medicines.

(!) Things must be packed in soft bags and backpacks

    The authors of the photos used:
    Dmitry Kokh, Vadim Balakin, Deepak Kamath, Alex Kuzmitsky, Stas Zakharov, Max Pankov

      Tour to

      Best season: January - February

      We will meet the following animals on the route:
      - penguins: Adélie, Gentu, Chinstrap
      - birds: South Polar Skua
      - seals: Weddell, Rossa, Crab-eater
      - leopard seals, elephant seals, fur seals
      - whales: blue, humpback, Minke whale. killer whale

      Possible activities:
      - Yachting
      - If you have skills and desire, you can take part in yachting.
      - Landing with a cutter (rubber boat with outboard motor)
      - Raising your company's flag on the Antarctic mainland
      - Mailing from the only post office at British Antarctic Station - Port Lockroy
      - Scuba diving (if you have your own equipment and professional skills. The yacht has air tanks, a compressor and weights).
      - Ski-tour / back-country - skiing and snowboarding (if you have your own equipment and professional skills)
      - Visit to the bathhouse and bar at the Ukrainian Antarctic station "Akademik Vernadsky

      Possible activities depend on weather conditions, their availability and safety is determined by the captain of the yacht, based on the actual situation.
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