Marine expedition on the Kuril islands from the Aniva lighthouse to Avachinskaya Bay: whales, orcas, Yankich Island and Krenitsyn Volcano


June 26 - July 6, 2025
Тур Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, Russia

морская экспедиция тур в антарктида антарктика пингвины киты айсберги пролив дрейка ушуайя антарктический океан полярная станция морской поход круиз на яхте в антарктиду

Путешествия по России активный тур на зимний Байкал снегоходы хивус джипы
Moving from Sakhalin to Kamchatka, we land on hard-to-reach islands, climb volcanoes, sail into calderas, approach seal rookeries and giant colonies of birds in motor boats, and meet whales and killer whales. The route passes through the main Kuril attractions: Crater Bay and the Krenitsyn Volcano.

On board there are lectures, film screenings about wildlife, and master classes on preparing seafood delicacies. Landing is carried out on Zodiac boats with the highest level of safety and comfort. Throughout the cruise, passengers are accompanied by a team of professional guides.

Just look at the photos of these places - and buy a ticket!

Отправляемся в незабываемое путешествие под парусами полярной яхты к самой северной точке планеты.
Горные реки здесь рождают множество водопадов, к кораблю прилетают дикие соколы, а по пути нередко встречаются киты.
Нас ждут стоянки в живописных бухтах и ночевки по треск обрушающихся вековых льдов.
А вокруг - только горы до неба и непроходимые леса!


  • 26.06.2025 - 06.07.2025

Duration: 11 days / 10 nights

Cost per cabin*:

Standard 2х 1 603 000 rubles
Superior 2 019 000 rubles
Standard 3х 2 141 000 rubles
Superior+ 2 349 000rubles

Suite up to 2 persons 3 841 000 rubles
Suite up to 3 persons 5 762 000 rubles
Mini suite up to 2 persons 3 183 000 rubles
Mini suite up to 3 persons 4 774 000 rubles

Cost per place with shared accomodation in Standard 2x cabin: 801 000 rubles

* Cost may change. Please check availability of cabins with the manager.
** The club discount for this expedition is not more than 5%.

TRAVEL PROGRAM: marine expedition to kuril islands and kamchatka

Day 1. Meeting in South-Sakhalinsk, accommodation in the cabin on the ship "Professor Chromov"

Departure from the port at 14:00. Exit to the open sea and welcome lunch. On the left side we will see a fabulous beautiful Japanese lighthouse on Aniva Cape. Hello, Sakhalin!

Meals: lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in the cabins of the ship

Day 2. Kunashir

On the island of Kunashir we will spend two days. Today we are interested in Golovnin volcano - the southernmost in the archipelago.
On this day we will descend directly to the center of the caldera! The final point of the track is the lakes Hot and Boiling. Their names are misleading: only mud boilers adjacent to the second lake are boiling, and also periodically here and there occur emissions of volcanic gases: the same fumarolic activity that has Iturup island. Swimming in the Boiling lake is strictly forbidden: sulfur contained in the gases is combined with salts of heavy metals and arsenic.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in the cabins of the ship

Day 3. Cape Stolbchaty on Kunashir island

In total, there are about 70 volcanoes on the Kuril , and here is the only one a wonderful Stolbchaty Cape - only on Kunashir.
Basalt lava from a volcano that erupted several million years ago has frozen in the form of numerous five- and hexagonal stone "rods". Tightly clinging to each other and unevenly breaking, these "rods" (they can also be compared with columns or pillars) seem the result of painstaking work of ancient and very skilled masons. Sometimes they resemble an organ in a Catholic cathedral, sometimes - a medieval city bridge.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in the cabins of the ship

Day 4. Island of Iturup

The main hero of this day is the island of Iturup, the largest in the whole Kuril archipelago (area - about 3 thousand square kilometers, which is about 850 times larger than the smallest island in our path - Yankich). Here we are interested in White Cliffs and thermal springs. The white rocks are a stretch of almost 30 km of volcanic lava. The soft pumice is constantly subjected to erosion: winds, rains and storms from year to year change the bizarre shapes of the rocks, and their white color contrasts spectacularly with the local dark gray sand.
Thermal springs are located at the foot of the Baransky volcano and are connected to its fungal field (funnels - cracks on the slope of the volcano, from which gases and fumes exit). The stream of hot water flows through numerous baths and bathtubs - created by nature, but clouded by man. The closer to the source, the higher the water temperature. In the highest tanks, water is constantly boiling - you can’t swim there, but you can, for example, boil a chicken egg.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in the cabins of the ship

Day 5. Chirpoi and Simushir islands

Unlike previous days, today we will visit two islands - Chirpoi and Simushir.
In the morning, "Professor Chromov" will stop at Chirpoi island - a small one, but accommodating two volcanoes, several rookeies of seals and bright bird colonies. On rubber boats of "Zodiac", we will sail to the rocky shores and take a good look at everything. In the afternoon we will land in the central part of Simushir island to do a trekking on the Zavaritsky volcano. The effort will be rewarded by a magnificent panorama caldera, filled with water and transformed into a lake. If we are lucky and the air is clear, we can see also the whole middle part of the Great Kuril Mountains. We will stay overnight on the raid off the coast of Simushir, because this island is worthy of another landing.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in the cabins of the ship

Day 6. Simushir and Yankich islands

We will dedicate today to the northeast tip of Simushir and the island of Yankich.
Here is Browton Bay - another ex-caldera, this time connecting to the ocean. The entrance to the bay is very convenient: in the Soviet era it was expanded with explosives so that large military ships could enter here. As the Browton Bay is the most windproof place in the entire archipelago, it is ideal for naval bases. And on the shore was a military settlement, now transformed into a ghost town. We will swim in the bay on "Zodiacs", explore its shore and the village buildings. Those who wish to go fishing can do it right in the center of the flooded caldera.
In the evening, we will visit Crater Bay on the island of Yankich - one of the most famous hallmarks of the Kuril Archipelago, a quintessence of natural beauty. The central part of the small island - less than 3 km in diameter - occupies a caldeira of a extinct volcano, which due to the destruction of the southern wall turned into an ocean-filled bay (like Broughton Bay, which we visited the previous day). In the center of it, there are two mini-islands, and around - emerald beaches with thermal springs. We will sail into the Crater Bay on "Zodiacs" - like pioneers who have found a wonderful new world. The acoustic background will serve as a host of seabirds, adoring the island of Yankich. The local birds rookery boasts rare species such as the red-breasted pipit, сommon greenshank, the rough-legged buzzard, the auklet and the peregrine falcon.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in the cabins of the ship

Day 7. Krenitsyn Volcano on Onekotan Island

Our goal today is the Krenitsyn Volcano on Onekotan Island. This is the second hallmark of the archipelago and one of the most beautiful and unusual volcanoes on the planet.
Imagine: a giant (17 km in diameter) caldera of an ancient volcano is filled with a lake, and right from it you have another volcano with a perfectly symmetrical shape. To see this magnificence with your own eyes, you will have to work a little. Today we have the most energy-intensive trekking of the entire cruise: 15 km in both directions with a height difference of 600 m.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in the cabins of the ship

Day 8. Krasheninnikov Bay on Paramushir Island. Fuss Volcano.

Our next goal is to land in Krasheninnikov Bay on Paramushir Island. From here several volcanoes will be visible at once, but it will be difficult for us to take our eyes off the nearest one - Fuss.
It is 400 meters higher than the Krenitsyn volcano (the total height is more than 1.7 km above sea level) and has almost the same regular conical shape. Here it seems that you are inside a Japanese engraving that has come to life. We will take a walk along the banks of Paramushir on Zodiacs and from the water we will approach the giant colonies of birds. If a whale or killer whale swims up to us, don't worry: they won't even touch our boat. In the evening, "Professor Khromov" will approach the small island of Antsiferov so that we can admire its picturesque forms and another large sea lion rookery.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in the cabins of the ship

Day 9. Alaid volcano on Atlasov Island

Atlasov Island is the northernmost in the Great Kuril Range, where the highest Kuril volcano - Alaid it is located (about 2.3 km above sea level).
We will complete our acquaintance with the Kuril Archipelago by landing on the island of Atlasov. Climbing to the top of volcano would be difficult, so we walk on side craters (yes, there can be more than one crater in a volcano). The first of them is called the Olympic breakthrough: it was formed relatively recently, in 1972 - precisely during the Munich Olympics, after which it received its name. The name of the second crater is Taketomi. Goodbye, Kuriles!

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in the cabins of the ship

Day 10. Russkaya Bay

Hello Kamchatka! Today we drop anchor in front of the entrance to Russkaya Bay.
Its banks, almost parallel to each other, are covered with dense forest, from which brown bears come ashore during the spawning season. We will explore the bay on rubber Zodiac boats: we will sail to a small rookery of sea lion seals and see the skeletons of abandoned ships.
After the last boat trip there is a gala dinner.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accommodation: in the cabins of the ship

Day 11. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. End of program.

And finally we are in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. In the morning we enter the Avachinskaya bay - the largest natural harbor in the world. Disembarkation at 08:00.
Transfer upon request to the city center or one of the hotels. See you again!

Meals: breakfast
Accommodation: not included

* Arrival and departure time is local, with time zone changes. The route of the cruise, the places and the order of landings, as well as the activity of the program may vary depending on the weather or other reasons, independent of the organizers.

** Please do not purchase tickets without consulting us.
"Professor Khromov"
The vessel was built for polar and oceanographic research and has an UL ice class

Built in 1982 in Finland, it belongs to the Far East Hydrometeorological Institute.
During the year, the ship is used alternately for research and cruise expeditions.

  • Year of renovation: 2019
  • Gross capacity of 1759 tons, deadweight of 620 tons.
  • The length is 71.06 meters, width is 12.8 meters, the height of the side is 6.45 meters, the average draught is 4.5 meters.
  • The speed is 14 knots.
  • Power is provided by two engines, each with a capacity of 1147 kW.
  • Navigation autonomy is 70 days.
  • Can take on board up to 50 passengers.
  • Crew of 22 members.

Thanks to the efforts of the crew members, travel with us is comfortable and absolutely safe. At the same time, there is a friendly atmosphere on board, which is characteristic of a small scientific expedition.

26 comfortable cabins for 48 passengers
2 restaurants offering free seating: breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet, coffee-station - fresh pastries.

The vessel is equipped with a satellite communications system that allows for telephone calls at any time.
    Number of cabins: 13
    Area: 12 m2
    Capacity: up to 2-3 passengers
    In the cabin: window, two beds, desk, wardrobe, bedside tables and washbasin (shared amenities).
    Number of cabins: 4
    Area: 12 m2
    Capacity: up to 2-3 passengers
    In the cabin: windows, two beds (lower and upper), desk, wardrobe, bedside tables and own toilet and shower.
    Number of cabins: 8
    Area: 12 m2
    Capacity: up to 2 passengers
    In the cabin: window, two beds (bottom), desk, wardrobe, bedside tables and own toilet and shower.
    Number of cabins: 2
    Area: 18 m2
    Capacity: up to 2-3 passengers
    In the cabin: windows for two sides, double bed in a separate area, living room with sofa, desk, wardrobe, bedside tables and own toilet and shower.
    Number of cabins: 1
    Area: 27 m2
    Capacity: up to 3 passengers
    In the cabin: windows on two sides, double bed in a separate area, living room with sofa, desk, wardrobe, bedside tables and own toilet and shower.
Cost includes:

  • Group transfer from the airport or from agreed hotel to the place of boarding at the start of the cruise and group transfer to the airport, or to the agreed hotel in the city at the end of the cruise;
  • Accommodation in the cabin of the selected category on the ship during the tour;
  • 3 meals per day on board, access to the tea station and snacks 24/7;
  • all disembarkations and excursions on the program;
  • border passes on the route, cost of all entrance fees to the reserves and objects of display;
  • participation in ship events
  • film screenings, lectures;
  • expedition jacket;
  • port charges.

Cost excludes (paid separately):

  • air ticket to and from the beginning place of the cruise;
  • ground service before and after the start of the cruise (hotels, excursions);
  • communication on board (satellite phone, Internet);
  • bar services (alcoholic and cold drinks, snacks);
  • laundry;
  • souvenirs;
  • tips for the crew team (optional);
  • compulsory medical insurance with emergency evacuation coverage.

To take with:

  • Warm fleece and thermal underwear.
  • Thermosocks (several pairs).
  • Rubber boots with warm interior insert for walking on the shore.
  • Shoes for walking inside the vessel (sneakers/trainers).
  • Jacket storming, pants and things made of water repellent (waterproof) materials.
  • Gloves (better 2 pairs).
  • Cap (better 2).
  • Sunglasses (with a rope, whatever is carried to the sea).
  • Personal care items, towel.
  • Hand cream, face cream and sunscreen.
  • Waterproof covers for photo equipment.
  • Personal first-aid kit with individual drugs.

© Vasta Expeditions
Photo materials are also taken from the following sites:

    We find the most astonishing places on Earth and speed up to reach them. Our motto is to go ahead of road roller, touch the unique and unknown, before it disappears.
    Wherever we go, we look for challenging activities and adventures, filling the journey with absolutely different spirit and emotions. That is why people join us over and over again.
    In our trips we pay special attention to safety. All our travels are based on personal experience, equipped with the best gear, involving proved providers and experienced local guides who perfectly know local features.
    We have a unique experience of the most offbeat expeditions and ascents, deep knowledge of countries and peoples, and are ready to share it with you. All the expeditions and climbings are tested by Mzungu himself, guaranteeing exciting traveling and your comfort.
    All our trips are reach in adventures, with high quality accommodation, transportation and meals included. We do not save on it. Thanks to solid contacts with reliable providers we offer really good prices and high quality.


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