Marine expedition along the West coast of Africa: Cape Town, Luderitz, Swakopmund, Namibe, Luanda


March 27 - April 7, 2025

морская экспедиция тур в юар намибия пингвины киты морской поход круиз на яхте в юар намибию анголу

Путешествия по России активный тур на зимний Байкал снегоходы хивус джипы
Untouched wildlife, sandy beaches, exotic seafood, diverse cultures - a cruise along the west coast of Africa is perhaps the ideal way to acquaintance with the natural and cultural riches of the continent.
From colorful Cape Town, you go on a 10-day sea expedition, during which you will discover unusual
landscapes of the Atlantic coast of Namibia, the driest African country, you will get
to post-colonial Angola, slowly recovering from the effects of a devastating
war, and explore the tropical lands near the water caves of the Congo. From harsh desert landscapes
Namib to the pristine Angolan coast, encountering flamingos, pelicans, whales and
dolphins, you will completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the primeval nature of our planet and experience
a real delight from the extraordinary landscapes seen before ending the cruise in
one of the oldest colonial cities in Africa, Luanda.

Отправляемся в незабываемое путешествие под парусами полярной яхты к самому южному городу планеты и самому таинственному мысу Горн!
Горные реки здесь рождают множество водопадов, к кораблю прилетают дикие соколы, а по пути нередко встречаются киты.
Нас ждут стоянки в живописных бухтах и ночевки по треск обрушающихся вековых льдов.
А вокруг - только горы до неба и непроходимые леса!


Dates: March 27 - April 7, 2025

Duration: 11 days / 10 nights

Cost of participation per person:

The cost of participation depends on category of the chosen cabin*:

Cabin with window, 20 sqm from 5 880$
Cabin with balcony, 25 sqm from 7 680$
Suit SU, 41 sq m 11 280$

* The price is indicated for 1 passenger with accomodation in the DBL cabin and may change. Availability of cabins please check with the manager.


Day 1. March 27, 2025 (Thursday). ARRIVAL TO CAPE TOWN

The journey begins with a meeting at the airport. After a comfortable flight, you will land in Cape Town, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. A Swan Hellenic representative will meet you at the airport. The transfer will take you to the Hotel.
Officially, the city is the legislative capital of South Africa, unofficially - its main cultural center. According to the authoritative estimates of the New York Times newspaper, among the cities of the world, "multinational Cape Town is reputed to be the best place to visit for inquisitive tourists."

Accommodation: Radisson Blu Hotel Waterfront Cape Town or similar

Day 2-3. March 28-29, 2025 (Friday, Saturday). CAPE TOWN

Cape Town is the famous Table Mountain, Signal Hill, narrow colorful streets, the Malay quarter of Bo-Kaap, the historical center, the famous Aderley and Strand streets with their numerous architectural monuments, the historical Fortress - the oldest building in South Africa, magnificent alleys "Company Gardens", majestic buildings of Parliament, city hall, university, National Library and other historical buildings.
Saturated with fashionable restaurants, luxurious shops and numerous entertainment establishments, this tourist center of all South Africa, pulsing with life until late at night, is in amazing harmony with the grandiose panorama of Table Mountain, which plays the role of its natural backdrop, as well as the still working old port and a bay filled with yachts under colorful sails.

Accommodation: Radisson Blu Hotel Waterfront Cape Town or similar

Day 4. March 30, 2025 (Sunday). DAY IN THE SEA

Every Swan Hellenic cruise is an ocean of opportunity to develop your creative passions. For example, on board, with the support of professionals, you can improve your photography skills. Our library contains a large selection of literature on various topics, here you will find an interesting book for sure.
Every day, the best experts in their field of knowledge, specialists from various fields such as marine biology, history, geology introduce you to the world of flora and fauna of the region, the history of territorial development, the culture and life of indigenous peoples, carefully select up-to-date information on each port of call for engaging presentations and conversations on a wide range of topics.
Join the company of like-minded people, because conversations in a relaxed atmosphere perfectly complement the picture of what you see. The ship is heading for Lüderitz.

Meals: "All inclusive" system
Accommodation: in cabins on board

Day 5. March 31, 2025 (Monday). LUDERITZ

The Atlantic coast of Namibia is a vast desert stretching from Kunene in the north to the Orange River in the south. Here, among the endless sands and desert heat, there was one small stretch of coastline on which Lüderitz, a small quaint port city with a unique West African-German culture, once arose and is still developing successfully to this day. The contrast from the wild, almost uninhabited desert and the oasis of European culture, sandwiched between its hot sands and the abyss of the Atlantic Ocean, is truly unique. Luxurious colonial mansions and German Art Nouveau churches reflect a history deeply rooted in the diamond rush of the 1900s. It was during the diamond boom at the beginning of the last century that Kolmanskop arose 10 kilometers from Lüderitz, now a ghost town, where empty houses are gradually hiding under a layer of sand.

During a walking tour of the city, the Swan Hellenic expedition team will tell you amazing stories of survival in this harsh region. Not far from Lüderitz is the Halifax Islands, home to the African penguin. Cape fur seals, southern right whales, humpback whales and numerous seabirds are often encountered on the way to the island. The surroundings of Lüderitz offer excellent opportunities for hiking.

Meals: "All inclusive" system
Accommodation: in cabins on board

Day 6 - 8. April 1 - 3, 2025 (Tuesday - Thurstday). WALVIS BAY

The natural harbor of Walvis Bay, literally translated from Afrikaans as "Bay of the Whales", is the very place where the sands of one of the most lifeless deserts of the world, the Namib, flow into the Atlantic Ocean. Nestled in the embrace of the desert, Walvis Bay offers a safe haven for marine life such as whales and dolphins, as well as thousands of flamingos and pelicans. On the sandy spit of Pelican Point, a colony of Cape fur seals is conveniently located.

A walk through the city will introduce you to the colonial architecture and local cuisine, which is a mixture of authentic Namibian cuisine and German cuisine. For outdoor enthusiasts, Walvis Bay invites you to a dune safari. Here you will meet many desert animals such as lizards, geckos, chameleons and African pygmy vipers. Depending on weather conditions, a helicopter tour over the Namib Desert and the diamond mines may be offered. No matter how you decide to spend your time in Walvis Bay, we invite all guests to join our evening program "Dine under the stars surrounded by the dunes". The magnificent Namib Desert is stunning in its beauty. You will drive through the desert to the valley of the Swakop River.

The "lunar landscape" of this area arose about 460 million years ago, when the climate in the area was more humid, and the river literally cut through soft ground deposits. The environment today is so harsh that neither trees nor human settlements can be found here, which gives this region a sense of the end of the world. You will arrive at the desert dinner venue, where the darkness of the night and the unbroken black sky create an amazing contrast with the snow-white tablecloths and many candles reflected in the walls of the canyon, all this and more creates an unforgettable atmosphere. Colorful local entertainment awaits you
heartfelt conversations by the fire.

On one of the days of stay in Walvis Bay, we suggest going to Swakopmund. Founded in 1892 by German colonists, the city served as the main port of the colony for a long time. Today, the resort city of Swakopmund, thanks to the presence of buildings of the colonial era, such as the summer residence of the President of Namibia, numerous well-groomed squares, the Crystal Gallery, which houses the largest crystal in the world and the city museum, looks like a typical Bavarian town. The city is surrounded by dunes, among which is the highest dune in Namibia, the famous Dune 7.

Meals: "All inclusive" system
Accommodation: in cabins on board

Day 9. April 4, 2025 (Friday). DAY IN THE SEA

Days at sea are a time to relax and enjoy your time on board. Visit a spa or gym, connect with like-minded people, share your travel experiences, or head to a library filled with themed books and reference books.

Don't forget to look at the captain's bridge. We are happy to arrange for you or your company a visit to the captain's cabin, the main control post of the vessel. The holy of holies of the liner is open for you! Do not miss the opportunity to ask questions to the crew members or, if possible, even chat with the captain. The ship is heading for the Namibe.

Meals: "All inclusive" system
Accommodation: in cabins on board

Day 10. April 5, 2025 (Saturday). NAMIBE, ANGOLA

Founded by the Portuguese in the 19th century, this port city is located at the very point where sea, desert and savannah meet to create breathtaking scenery and is the gateway to the arid Namib Desert. Here, north of Iona National Park, is the Namibe Partial Reserve. The local landscape is a huge sand dunes.

On the territory of the reserve grow representatives of the flora, resistant to the cruel environment, for example, one of the oldest living plants in the world, Velvichia amazing, better known as the "desert octopus". Among the inhabitants of the reserve are black rhinoceros, oryx, elephant, African ostrich, wildebeest, mountain zebra, meerkat, etc. Dolphins often accompany the ship along the sandy coast. During the desert tour you will also enjoy the unique views of the lagoon and the most ancient landscapes on the planet.

Meals: "All inclusive" system
Accommodation: in cabins on board

Day 11. April 6, 2025 (Sunday). DAY IN THE SEA

Today you will have a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our ship and
take advantage of a wide range of amenities, activities and entertainment. Days at sea are the perfect time to take in the spectacular seascapes. Viewpoints and even from the balcony of your cabin offer stunning views of the South Atlantic Ocean. Today, the liner, moving north along the West Coast, is heading for Luanda.

Meals: "All inclusive" system
Accommodation: in cabins on board

Day 12. April 7, 2024 (Monday). LUANDA, ANGOLA

Our journey ends in Luanda, the capital of Angola, a major metropolis and one of the oldest colonial cities in Africa. Angola boasts a coastline of 1600 km of magnificent beaches, tropical forests, savannah, desert in the south and an extraordinary climate. Luanda, which is a mixture of Portuguese and African cultures, is a good example of urban Angola, where everything from colonial architecture and diversity musical cultures to great restaurants and upscale hotels.

Today, after breakfast, you will say goodbye to the crew of the ship and go ashore. Transfer to Luanda airport will be organized for the participants of the expedition.

If yiu stay at Luanda, you should definetely have a tour of Luanda. The center of Luanda is divided into Upper and Lower City. It is in the Lower City that almost all historical monuments of the times of the Portuguese colonization are located. One of the main attractions of Luanda is the fortress of San Miguel. Once it served as the administrative center of the colony and the main defensive structure. Now it houses the Museum of the Armed Forces. Inside the fortress, marvel at the elaborate ceramic tile panels that tell the history of Angola, and in the courtyard, admire the imposing statues of the first king of Portugal, the famous explorer Vasco de Gama, and other notables. From the height of the fortress, a stunning view of the Gulf of Luanda opens up, along which vessels of all types line up to the horizon: sailboats, elegant motor boats, barges and cargo ships. You will also visit the Mausoleum of Agustino Neto, the Benfica market, famous for its woodwork, and the Museum of Slavery.

Meals: "All inclusive" system
Accommodation: in cabins on board

* Please do not book tickets without prior approval from us.

** The program is subject to change due to weather conditions.
SH Diana
Expedition ship of the new generation with an enhanced polar class. Commissioned in April 2023.
SH Diana – is a true art boutique hotel in the waters of the Southern Ocean. At your service, there is an open infinity pool with a view of the open sea, high-cuisine restaurants featuring dishes from renowned chefs, an open observation deck, a SPA center, and a beauty salon. Additionally, it offers a panoramic sauna with 2 jacuzzis, a gym, stylish interiors made of natural finishing materials, cozy and spacious cabins with fireplaces and panoramic balconies. The ship is equipped with a safe autopilot function and an air conditioning system using ultraviolet light.
Cost includes:

• All transfers: from the airport to the hotel the day before boarding the ship, from the hotel to the port on the day of boarding, from the port to the airport at the end of the cruise (group).
• Accommodation at the hotel before the cruise (1 night with breakfast), as well as on board in the cabin of your choice categories during the cruise, tips on board and port fees.
• Meals on board and room service, 24 hours a day, including soft drinks and some alcoholic drinks.
• Lecture programs of expeditionary experts and invited speakers.
• Shore excursion of choice by Swan Hellenic at each port along the route.
• Basic WIFI package.
• Port and service fees.

Cost excludes (additionally paid):

• International flight to the port of the beginning of the cruise and back at the end of the cruise.
• Health insurance.
• Travel cancellation insurance.
• Alternative shore excursions at ports of call along the route.
• Premium brand alcoholic beverages, Spa and beauty treatments, laundry services, purchases in retail stores on board.

To take with:
  • clothing sets appropriate to weather conditions, including light clothing sets (shorts, T-shirts) and warm clothing (sweatshirt, fleece, pants, breathable jacket), as well as long-sleeve shirts
  • hats for different weather conditions: a cap / hat / sun hat and a hat for cold evenings
  • swimsuit
  • raincoat
  • closed-toe trekking boots and comfortable lightweight shoes (sneakers)
  • malaria prevention pills (up to you to decide but recommended)
  • yellow fever certificate (is a must!)
  • personal hygiene products
  • personal medication (including analgesics, antiseptics, antibiotics, antivirals, intestines, multivitamins, regidron, plaster)
  • sun and wind protectors (cream)
  • sunglasses
  • repellents: sprays, creams
  • large suitcase or backpack for belongings
  • small backpack for radial routes (25-30 liters)
  • photo and video equipment, extra batteries

Тур в

  • You will visit the colorful Cape Town, the oldest city in South Africa and at the same time the most romantic city in the world on the edge of the Earth;

  • You will explore the ghost town of Kolmanskop, lost in the golden sands of the Namib Desert near Lüderitz, and you can also visit the abandoned island of Ilha dos Tigres;

  • Meet flamingos and pelicans at a picturesque place called Pelican Point;

  • If you wish, look for the rare (and quite amazing) lumbo tree at the Namibe Private Game Reserve;

  • You can immerse yourself in the history of the colonial and military periods of Angola by visiting the fortress of San Miguel built by the Portuguese;

  • Taste exotic seafood cuisine and unsurpassed South African wines.

Possible activities depend on weather conditions, their availability and safety are determined by the captain of the yacht, based on the actual situation.
      • 1
        We find the most astonishing places on Earth and speed up to reach them. Our motto is to go ahead of road roller, touch the unique and unknown, before it disappears.
      • 2
        Wherever we go, we look for challenging activities and adventures, filling the journey with absolutely different spirit and emotions. That is why people join us over and over again.
      • 3
        In our trips we pay special attention to safety. All our travels are based on personal experience, equipped with the best gear, involving proved providers and experienced local guides who perfectly know local features.
      • 4
        We have a unique experience of the most offbeat expeditions and ascents, deep knowledge of countries and peoples, and are ready to share it with you.

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